Christmas Seafood Spaghettata ready in a flash!

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The special occasion and all year round pasta dish is one of our
family favourites during the festive season. Puglia is also know for its
culinary traditions so enjoy this simple, fast-cooking main course.

Language Bites: boil, drain, heat, stir-fry, grate, throw, toss & turn,
pour, simmer, add, tip, season, cook, drain, bite, serve, dress and

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 250g spaghetti. Each Italian region boasts its own signature
  • spaghetti dish and brand.
  • One grated garlic clove: heart healthy, boosts immune system
  • and adds a special flavour to my seafood dishes. I purchase my
  • garlic graters from Grottaglie famous for handmade ceramic
  • production in Puglia.
  • 6 tablespoons Apulian Olive Oil.
  • 15 diced datterini or cherry tomatoes.
  • 2 tablespoons chopped parsley.
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper.
  • Fresh chilli.
  • I cup white wine.
  • 200g peeled prawns.
  • 1kg mussels. Clean the mussels under cold running water.
  • Scrub the shells thoroughly and remove beards.
  • 500gr squid. Ask your fishmonger to clean and cut it.

Simple Steps

  1. Put a large pot of salted water on to boil the spaghetti
    1. following pack instructions.
    2. Tip: do not over drain the pasta.
  2. Heat the oil in a frying pan or Wok type pan.
    Tip: a wok is a versatile kitchen tool particularly useful for stir-
    frying because it spreads heat evenly.
  3. Add the grated garlic and gently stir-fry over a medium heat for
    about 2 minutes.
  4. Throw in about 10 mussels with shells closed and toss and
    turn. Pour in the white wine and simmer for about 5 minutes
    until the wine reduces.
  5. Add the shrimps and squid or seasfood you prefer; misto mare
    is a mixture of seafood which is ready to go.
  6. Gently tip in the tomatoes and season only with pepper and
    add half the parsley.
  7. Cook and drain the spaghetti, but always reserve a cup of
    cooking water to add (if necessary) to the pan when stir-frying.
    Tip: cook pasta ‘al dente’; pasta that is firm when you bite
    down with your front teeth.
  8. Toss & turn the spaghetti until all the juices and flavours are
    well combined; use tongs if you have them to serve.
  9. Dress each plate with parsley and a good grinding of black

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