Lia’s Christmas Insalata Russa /Olivier salad with a twist

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This salad was probably invented in the 1860s by Belgian chef Lucien
Olivier. Mine is a personal variation.

Language Bites: choose, wash, peel, dice, cut, boil, add, drain, cool,
chop, slice, combine, mix, toss, turn and chill.

What do I need?

Ingredients for about 8 people

  • 300 gr potatoes
  • 200 gr carrots
  • 150 gr green peas
  • 200 gr pickled vegetables and plenty of gherkins
  • Fresh, crispy celery. This vegetable has a cultivation history
  • which dates back to about 3000 years. The ancient “bouquet of
  • flowers”.
  • 3 hard boiled eggs
  • 4 cans of tuna in olive oil
  • Dressed with plenty of mayonnaise: 2/3 jars (233g) light mayo
  • (I make it myself when possible)
  • Extra virgin olive oil is the magic touch and always finds its way
  • in my cooking. It is a rich source of antioxidants and
  • monounsaturated fats, both of which are believed to protect
  • the heart.
  • Salt

Simple Steps

  1. Choose, wash, peel and dice potatoes and cut carrots thinly.
  2. Boil potatoes and carrots together if you like:
    1. Boil peas
    2. Add salt to water when vegetables are cooking.
    3. Tips: the vegetables should be crunchy so cooking time
      for potatoes is about 20 and 10 for carrots and peas from
      boiling point. I prefer them crunchy.
  3. Drain and cool all vegetables.
  4. Place about 4/6 tablespoons of olive oil in a big glass bowl:
    1. Add all the vegetables.
    2. Add finely chopped fresh celery ( I prefer lots) and a pinch
      or two of salt.
    3. Slice and add the boiled eggs.
    4. Add the chopped pickled vegetables ( small pieces) .
      Tips:If the gherkins are small do not cut them and use
      some for decoration.
    5. Drain and add tuna.
    6. Add the mayonnaise and combine all the ingredients well
      in the big glass bowl. Toss and turn until well combined.
    7. Add salt as per the taste and more olive oil if necessary.
  5. Dressing:
    1. Serving dishes.
    2. Place the mixture in the dishes. Two dishes for 8 people.
    3. Cover the mix with plenty of mayonnaise and put in the
      fridge overnight.
    4. Decorate with pickled vegetables.

Extra tip: it is a summertime favourite when celebrating Christmas in
Australia or simply as a summer dinner treat.

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