Pasta & Ceci / Pasta & Chickpeas

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The one pot recipe

Chickpeas or ceci in italian, are a type of legume rich in fibre and protein which is necessary for bone, muscle and skin health. Chickpeas have been an integral part of our traditional Barese dishes and considered to be part of ‘La cucina povera’ school of cooking; as my mother recalls “ it was an inexpensive protein meal for people who did not have easy access to meat especially during the second World War” .

Pasta e ceci is our very special recipe from Bari, and I am forever grateful to my mother who cooked these wonderful meals as we were growing up in Melbourne. Also known as garbanzo beans in Middle Eastern cooking and are the basis for delicious dishes like hummus and falafel.

Simple Steps

  1. 500 g La Valletta ceci.
  2. It is a must to soak chickpeas for 24 hours before you cook them. I generally soak the whole pack and freeze some for a last l.
  3. Place the chickpeas in a large bowl and cover with plenty of cold water.
  4. A Family Tip: a teaspoon of baking soda can be added to soften them, but I prefer the soaking overnight process.
  5. Drain the chickpeas and put them in a large stock/cooking pot.
  6. Cover with water and bring to a boil. Add more water if necessary. Tip: always add warm water to avoid temperature drop/shock s the cooking process.
  7. Add bay leaves, garlic, carrot, celery sticks and fresh tomatoes to the broth. Cover with lid, lower heat and simmer for two
  8. Tip: taste to make sure the ceci are tender enough and leave the broth so you can cook the pasta in the same pot.
  9. 100 g ceci & 70 g pasta per head cooked in the same pot.
  10. Pour olive oil only when serving the meal.
  11. Extra tip: sauté oil, garlic, a tablespoon tomato paste and mix in the pasta e ceci. Toss and turn and add fresh hot chilli.
  12. Molisana Maritati Pugliesi

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