Trilli baresi by Enzo

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Simple homemade pastina / little pasta

The comfort food!

Language Bites

place, add, incorporate, crack eggs, knead, pull,
stretch flour, cut, pat, make a ball, sprinkle, roll out, dry, break, make a
soup, boil or cook.

Trilli baresi by Enzo

What do I need? 

  • 500 gr semola type flour. 
  • 4  large fresh farm eggs and I mean fresh from the farm!
  • Parsley.
  • A teaspoon of salt. (taste and add more in the soup if necessary)
  • Beef stock or vegetable soup.
  • Homemade pasta equipment: your hands!
  • Rolling pin.
Trilli baresi by Enzo

Simple steps

  1. Place the semola on a cutting board, make a well, crack the eggs and put  the ingredients into it; remember to incorporate  ingredients little by little.
  2. Knead the dough for at least five minutes until it is smooth; if the dough feels sticky simply add extra semola; pull it and stretch it!
  3. Pat the dough and form it into a ball with your hands.
  4. Cut the dough into pieces, sprinkle the cutting board with semola and roll out the pasta by hand using a long rolling pin.
  5. Make five or six discs/sheets of pasta by rolling out the dough until it reaches the thickness you desire and keep adding semola to the cutting board to stop it from sticking. 
  6. Allow the sheets to dry for about 20 minutes.
  7. At this point start break the sheets of pasta into small pieces for the brodo/soup.
  8. Make a beef stock or vegetable soup and cook the Trilli in the soup for 4/5 minutes, sprinkle with parmesan cheese and enjoy!
  9. Extra tip! Prepare ‘sugo’ instead of soup at Easter time and boil the Trilli in the sauce!
Trilli baresi by Enzo

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